Profile Picture on PsychicCenter

Last Updated on June 8, 2018
We encourage Users to upload photos in order to enhance their listings. There are some restrictions on the content of the photos:
  • Users may not post any photos containing nudity or pornographic material.
  • Users may not post any photos containing nudity in a listing or elsewhere on the Site.
  • Users may not upload, post or otherwise transmit any photo which is unlawful, harmful, threatening, harassing, tortuous, defamatory, infringing, vulgar, obscene, hateful, racially or ethnically objectionable or invasive of another's privacy.
  • Users may not upload or post unauthorized advertising or promotional materials, or any other photo which they do not have the right to transmit under any law or contractual or fiduciary relationship. This includes any content that infringes any patent, trademark, trade secret, copyright or any other proprietary rights of any party, or material protected by intellectual property laws, right of privacy or publicity or any other applicable law, unless having all necessary contracts or consents.
All photos, whether posted publicly or privately transmitted, are the sole responsibility of the person from which the photo originated. PsychicCenter does not control photos transmitted through Mail or posted on User's home pages, and, as such, does not guarantee the accuracy, integrity or quality of such.
Although PsychicCenter does not accept responsibility for these photos, PsychicCenter does reserve the right to remove at any time, without notice, a photo or image that violates our Photo Policy or User Agreement.
By becoming a User, each User agrees that his/her photograph, if submitted, can be used for the purposes described here and also in the Privacy Policy.
This Photo Policy forms part of the User Agreement and is incorporated by reference therein. Capitalized terms not defined herein will have the meanings set forth in the User Agreement and related policies.