Arrange a Psychic Call Today

Arranged Calls
What are Arranged Calls?
Arranged Calls make it easier to reach your favorite advisors by asking us to begin a call with them whenever they become available. Don't waste your time waiting to see if a certain advisor becomes available; simply arrange a call, then relax and wait for your phone to ring.
How can I request a call back?
Keep in mind that you will need at least 2 minutes of talk time available in order to arrange a call.
To arrange a call online, select the Arrange Call button located on the advisor's listing. You will see your place in line and select the time you are willing to wait for a call.
To arrange a call over the phone, call 1-866-MY-ASTRO (1-866-692-7876) and sign in with your 4 digit PIN code. You will be given the option to enter the extension of the advisor you wish to speak with. If your advisor is busy with another client or not available to receive calls, you will have the option to request an Arranged Call if the advisor accepts arranged calls.
How can I tell if my advisor is accepting Arranged Calls?
If your advisor is busy with another client or not available to receive calls, you will see an Arrange Call button on the advisor's listing.
Does arranging a call guarantee that the call will take place?
Arranging a call does not guarantee that you will receive a call. Arranging a call simply holds your place in line should the advisor become available within the chosen time frame.
Can I request for more than one call back at a time?
Yes! However, keep in mind that the arranged call will only take place if there is at least 2 minutes of talk time available. If you arrange two calls and use all your funds with the first call, the second call will not take place.
What if I change my mind and don't want to be called?
Just visit your Arranged Calls page (see above) and click the button marked "Cancel" for the Call Back you no longer wish to receive.
Where can I review my Arranged Calls?
To view your arranged calls online, visit your Arranged Calls page from the My Account dropdown menu. From here, you can manage your Arranged Calls; you can customize the length of time you are willing to wait for a call or cancel an Arranged Call.
What happens if I miss my Arranged Call?
We will call the number you specified twice; if you don't answer the phone, we'll move to the next client on that advisor's Arranged Calls list.
Can I choose my place in line for the Arranged Call?
No, all Arrange Calls are placed in the order received. You will see your place in line before confirming the arranged call.
What happens to the money I added to my account if you don't call me or if I miss a call?
In the case the advisor does not become available or you miss the call, any funds added to place the call will remain on your account available for use on your next call.