Payment Info

What is Payment Info?
Payment Info is the page on PsychicCenter where you store your personal information. You can reach it from anywhere on the site by clicking the Payment Info link on the My Account page. After you sign in, you can:
  • View your account balance.
  • Add money to your account (see Payment Options).
  • View your activity from the current or previous month.
  • Add, update or remove payment methods.
Does anyone else besides me have access to my account?
No. Your information is always kept private and secure.
Can I change my phone number and other personal information?
Yes. Simply click on the My Personal Info link on the My Account page. You'll be taken to the page where we store your personal information, including your name, email address and phone numbers. Make any changes you want, then click Update at the bottom of the page.
How do I manage my payment methods?
You can review your payment methods and make any changes you'd like -- including changing your credit card, adding a new card, removing a PayPal account, and adding money to your account -- by clicking on the Payment Info link on the My Account page.
Why do you need my payment method info?
You'll use your payment method to put money into your account. This will let you talk to an advisor whenever you want without having to enter your payment method info for each conversation.
What payment methods can I use to add money to my account?
You can use Paypal or your credit card (we accept Visa, MasterCard, American Express and all credit cards emblazoned with a Visa or MasterCard logo), or any other card that is emblazoned with a Visa or MasterCard logo, such as a debit card, ATM card, or check card.
Security Note: Our secure server software (SSL) is the industry standard; it is among the best software available today for secure commerce transactions. It encrypts your credit card number, name and address so that it cannot be read as this data travels over the Internet.