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312 reviews
ext. 4190
Tarot and Empath dedicated Tarot card reader.
I am a dedicated Tarot card reader who is guided by divine providence and mystic intuition. I have been a seeker of truth since early childhood when I became psychically aware of workings of the mind that cannot be perc
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About Me
I am a dedicated Tarot card reader who is guided by divine providence
and mystic intuition. I have been a seeker of truth since early childhood
when I became psychically aware of workings of the mind that cannot be
perceived by most other people. I will share my far reaching insight
with you during your reading. We can work on what you specifically
need to know, or look into general concerns that are affecting
your happiness. My readings reveal events in the last few years, current
circumstances, and what I see opening up for you several years into the future.
Your guidance awaits.

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Advisor Interview
Ever wanted to meet your favorite advisor? Get to know her or him a bit better? From time to time we will bring you interviews with PsychicCenter advisors. Here is where you can read how they found out what special gifts they have, how they developed their skills, and why we think they are so good at guiding us on our life path. If this interview inspires you, just give them a call.

How and when did you first find out about your 'psychic abilities'?
From early childhood, I have been blessed with the gifts of intuition, mysticism, and divine guidance.
Having many prophetic dreams as well as precognitive messages has confirmed my abilities to "receive"
information. Learning how to send and receive messages has helped me to predict the future.

How was it growing up with these special skills. Are they natural talents or did you study and develop them? Growing up with "cosmic consciousness" has given me heightened awareness and leadership qualities. My special skills have enabled me to positively interact and help others. I have also studied the Tarot Cards and Psychic skills for many years to sharpen and perfect my skills.

Do you think anyone can develop psychic skills?In order to intuit, one must have the ability to empty one's mind to receive messages. Being at peace with oneself and the universe opens the path to developing these skills. With the appropriate mindset, study, focus and discipline, one can develop these skills at various levels.

What type of mentality do you think it takes to develop these skills?A clear and quiet mind is the necessary environment to develop intuitive skills. Using meditation as a tool enables you to clear your mind and spirit to grow and experience this phenomenon.

Are you able to turn your psychic abilities 'on' or 'off' when you want to? Do you have any rituals to turn them 'on'. Yes, I am able to turn my psychic abilities "on and off". Meditation and emptying my mind from random thoughts enables me to "tune in".

How did you get into doing psychic readings?I have always been interested in the subconscious mind and arcane mysterious of the universe. It was a natural evolution when I purchased my first Tarot deck at age seventeen. My Tarot cards and ESP have been a powerful force in my life and the lives of others.

What happens during a psychic reading?We can work on what you specifically need to know, or look into general concerns that are effecting your life and happiness. My readings reveal events from the last few years, current circumstances, and what I see opening up for you several years into the future. I know my instincts are sharp when my clients remark, "Audrey, how did you know all that?"

What is your primary tool for divination? What is your specialty?Using the Tarot Cards, Meditation and ESP enables me to discern and resolve most of the concerns
in one's life.

Is there anything else you'd like to share about your abilities or a good experience? I am very dedicated to empowering others to live their "best life" while achieving joy, abundance, and peace. I have honed my gifts and skills with the intention of helping people connect and grow through life's changes and challenges.
About Audrey & Love and Relationships Advisors
Audrey has been a PsychicCenter guide since 2015. By receiving intuitive guidance in the Love & Relationships category, Audrey has helped clients find peace and tranquility within PsychicCenter's completely secure and confidential platform.
PsychicCenter has been a source for trusted answers and high-quality service from the best psychics available since 1999. Today, PsychicCenter is the leading exclusive community for online psychic readings and intuitive guidance and insights.
New clients receive a special 10-minute psychic reading for $5. Connect by web or phone through 1-866-MY-ASTRO (1-866-692-7876) to connect with a gifted psychic-guide and start your journey today!