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ext. 05246456
Healer Psychic Medium
Get to the heart and soul of what is troubling you. Using a mixture of psychic gifts and tarot, I can help you better understand yourself and those closest to you.
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About Me
In advance, I do not diagnose or treat illnesses of any kind or give financial/investment advice. These issues are best left to qualified professionals for the safety and well being of my clients. Your health and financial well being are of the upmost importance to me. Thank you for understanding.

Hawthorn is a tree of testing and life challenges in Celtic lore. As a fourth generation Celtic intuitive, let me help you at your crossroads. My gifts for second sight and healing have been with me since birth, but have grown with a lifetime of experience and universal guidance. Together, we can walk your past, present, and future to find answers.

Because readings are by the minute, I ask that you have direct questions ready. This speeds up the process by giving me an area of your life to focus on, rather than your entire current situation. That being said, I do not need names or birth dates to do your reading. Psychic gifts are my primary form of information, though I sometimes use tarot cards to focus incoming messages for delicate or complicated situations.

All mediumship work is done offline so I can put all of my focus on the spirits and their messages. If you are interested in mediumship work, please email me.

I can do:
~ Future predictions,
~ Carry messages/carry on conversations with the clients deceased relatives,
~ Relay messages from your guides,
~ Help clients "see" situations in the past or future from all angles to help with understanding past or current events with multiple parties,
~ Read for relatives/friends/situations regardless of how long the client has been out of touch,
~ Do tarot readings,
~ Work many types energy/shamanic healing sessions remotely,
~ Work clearings for entities and energies remotely for a person, place, or object.
Career & Work Destiny & Life Path LGBTQ Issues Love & Relationships Spirit Guides
Skills & Methods
Clairaudient Clairsentient Clairvoyant Medium Tarot
Advisor Interview
How and when did you first find out about your 'psychic abilities'?
I've been seeing/speaking with spirits, getting dream visions, astral traveling, and "reading" others psychicly since I was around 4 or 5. It got stronger and more well developed as I got older. Around 25, the universe made it clear this was going to be a major part of my life path and I began giving readings for others will real intent/in a professional setting.

How was it growing up with these special skills. Are they natural talents or did you study and develop them?
They are natural, but life and study have developed them further so I can call on them more easily.

Do you think anyone can develop psychic skills?
Yes I do. We all have skills we are best at, but we are all intuitive beings. It is like math/doing your taxes. Everyone can do learn to do it, but some people make it a career and some people hate adding up their paychecks or hyperventilate when researching income deductions. I feel like we are here for people who don't have a particular talent with intuitive skills and also for those who would rather ask a professional than try to get a masters in spirit communication themselves.

What type of mentality do you think it takes to develop these skills?
Openness. The universe will jump at the chance to communicate your lessons and messages if you give it some space to do so. Heck if it really wants to tell you something it won't give you a choice it will just start screaming in your ear!

Are you able to turn your psychic abilities 'on' or 'off' when you want to? Do you have any rituals to turn them 'on'.
Yes and no. In terms of my empathy and other extrasensory data feeds, I can turn these off and on at will. However, there is always the exception. An important message from the universe/guides, an urgent relative dead or alive, or someone who is projecting their emotions/thoughts/etc heavily because they are in distress, these can either completely break through my barriers or tap on the wall of my consciousness depending on the urgency.

How did you get into doing psychic readings?
Completely by accident! Around 25, I had some serious health issues. This shook up everything and the things that were from negative outside influences fell off. Once I found myself again, I was able to fully embrace my intuitive self and again felt the childhood desire to heal others and offer the messages for them I had flowing into me.

What happens during a psychic reading?
For me, it is always linked to what the client needs. I always start out with a brief several second psychic scan in addition to any questions they are asking and then proceed as best fits their situation. Some do better with a mixture of cards and psychic readings. Others need the quick blow by blow only a direct psychic reading can give. It all depends on how the universe is presenting the data and messages I am receiving in relation to what they need to know.

What is your primary tool for divination? What is your specialty?
My primary tool would be tarot cards. Everyone is familiar with them which adds some comfort to a new and possibly frightening process. It gives clients something to hold onto.

My specialty is soul healing. Deep wounds, life cross roads, etc. The people that come to me generally are dealing with heavy issues like chronic depression from trauma, death of a loved one, and distress about their life path/important decisions.

Can you communicate with spirits who have passed on?
Yes. I do this regularly in readings and in everyday life. I also pass spirits on and deal with haunted spaces/objects.

Is there anything else you'd like to share about your abilities or a good experience?
Recently, a client came to me with deep guilt about his father. He felt he was responsible for his fathers death and was worried because he now needed to guide the family as the new patriarch. His father was available to come speak with me to give him some closure. After giving me some specific information to give to his son to verify that it was indeed him, his father went on to tell him that it wasn't the son's guilt but rather the father's guilt that my client was feeling. The father felt horrible for not taking better care of himself and leaving his family so soon. He gave his son some instructions for taking care of the family, expressed his approval of several of the clients more recent decisions, and told him that he was visiting his family every night and would be for the next few months before he passed to his next phase in the afterlife. My client left with his depression lifted. He no longer felt like he was failing his father and his family. This is an example of what I hope to do for more people by following this profession.

About RozalynHawthorne & Love and Relationships Advisors
RozalynHawthorne has been a PsychicCenter guide since 2018. By receiving intuitive guidance in the Love & Relationships category, RozalynHawthorne has helped clients find peace and tranquility within PsychicCenter's completely secure and confidential platform.
PsychicCenter has been a source for trusted answers and high-quality service from the best psychics available since 1999. Today, PsychicCenter is the leading exclusive community for online psychic readings and intuitive guidance and insights.
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