Advisor Interview
Ever wanted to meet your favorite advisor? Get to know her or him a bit better? From time to time we will bring you interviews with PsychicCenter advisors. Here is where you can read how they found out what special gifts they have, how they developed their skills, and why we think they are so good at guiding us on our life path. If this interview inspires you, just give them a call.
How and when did you first find out about your 'psychic abilities'?
When I was young I was always referred to as a 'sensitive' child, but it wasn't until I was in my late teens when I realized that many of the emotions I was feeling were actually the emotions of other people. Once I realized this, a whole new world opened up to me as I studied how to differentiate between what I was feeling and what others were feeling.
How was it growing up with these special skills. Are they natural talents or did you study and develop them?
It was a little bit difficult as a child and pre-teen because I would feel others' emotions and just be overwhelmed by them. I had migraine headaches growing up because I just became totally overwhelmed with all of the information my brain was receiving and I didn't have the tools to deal with it. I had very little idea what was happening at the time, but I did notice that people seemed to like sharing their problems with me and often sought me out for company when they were feeling unhappy or anxious or just wanted to share something exciting about their lives. Because I was able to feel what they felt, I was able to understand what they were going through. I think that I was given natural talents, I did have to study to understand how best to utilize these talents. I got my Rohrig Tarot deck, and was able to channel my abilities through this deck. The information I received became much more than emotions, I received details. Through using this deck I was able to give psychic readings to people who wanted to know more about what was going on in their lives.
Do you think anyone can develop psychic skills?
While I don't think that everyone can develop psychic skills, I do think that the majority of people are psychic to one degree or another. I have heard many a story of people knowing when the phone rings who is calling. I think family members often have a psychic link with each other and know intuitively when a child or sibling or parent needs a phone call or a little bit of extra support or is in trouble. There are people out there who do not possess any psychic ability, I've heard of them referred to as nega-psychics, but they are very few. We are taught to ignore many of our psychic messages for one reason or another and people are often afraid to go with their intuition.
What type of mentality do you think it takes to develop these skills?
I think you need to possess a caring heart and an open mind. I think that the caring heart is important because when you are given information for someone, you need to be able to care about what happens to them. Some information isn't the type of information that someone callous or unfeeling would be able to talk to you about. A sympathetic or empathetic person talking with you can be comforting, but someone who does not seem to relate to you or connect to you makes you feel more lonely and isolated.
Are you able to turn your psychic abilities 'on' or 'off' when you want to? Do you have any rituals to turn them 'on'.
My psychic abilities are on all the time. I have little rituals to enhance them, such as lighting incense, candles, and meditating or praying for guidance. Meditation is important because it calms the mind, body, and soul and from this place of calm it is easier to then go and do a psychic reading. I also have different crystals and stones that I use to help enhance my ability. Quartz crystal is great for focusing my talent on what each individual person is being told. I try to be more shielded when I am out and about with people whom I am not reading for because it is polite to do so, and it is also overwhelming to deal with many people's feelings and thoughts all at once. It helps that I am a homebody who likes books and knitting!
How did you get into doing psychic readings?
When I got my first Tarot deck I did readings for myself on a regular basis. From there I started doing readings for friends. One of my friends really felt that Tarot readings were a bunch of hogwash, but after I did a few readings for him he really became a believer in my abilities. He encouraged me to start reading professionally, and so years and years ago I read at a psychic fair for those who visited. From there, I began to establish a client base. I still participate in in-person readings for fundraisers such as the no-kill animal shelter PAWS in my area.
What happens during a psychic reading?
Much of this depends on the client. Through the Tarot I can answer pretty much any question someone may have about their life. The three main spreads I do consistently for clients consist of a general overview, which gives you a good snapshot of the status of your life right now and and where it is going; a relationship spread, which gives a good overview of your relationship with one other person, where it is going and how you feel about it; and then there is the simple but powerful one card pull that can be used to answer many of life's questions. I also tailor Tarot spreads for clients based on the type of information they are looking for.
What is your primary tool for divination? What is your specialty?
My primary tool for divination is the Tarot, as I channel my psychic abilities through the cards in order to get clear and personal messages for the person I am reading for. I also meditate (although, not when I am with a client) and often the process of meditation gives me more insight and clearer psychic abilities with which to help me when I am performing readings.
Can you communicate with spirits who have passed on?
I do have clients who wish to know about how their loved one who has passed on is faring, and I have had great experiences with those readings, but if the spirit who has passed on does not want to communicate with me directly, I am not able to give someone messages.
Is there anything else you'd like to share about your abilities or a good experience?
I find that most of the readings I do are a good experience, both for me and for the client. I remember reading for one client in particular where our connection was so good that I could actually see images on my cards moving and telling a story. It was extremely powerful for me and for them. I have found that the stronger a connection I have with the client the better the reading, which is why I encourage people to look around for a psychic they connect with really well, because they get so much out of having a good connection with a particular advisor.