About Me
I have been a psychic my entire life and over the course of my life it has come out in many ways, helping anyone I could. Now, while I am in my 50's I would like to open myself to others and help them. My readings are direct, about careeres, relationships, spiritual guidance, family, and any other subject really because using tarot cards to help guide my messages makes them more accurate. The cards lead me to where I should focus my attention and crystals, runes and any other tools at my disposal to help me get a clear path to your needs. I am also a medium and can sense your spirit guides who can really tell me so much about what you need. I am also an artist, my spirit guides lead me to paint my dreams and other visions I have. I love to have call backs because even after we are done I may get more messages for you and will let you know via email. I have worked with shamans and gurus, mediums and healers. They taught me and I gave to them new insights as well. Pulling knowledge from all aspects to attain a goal is a wonderful way to heal and be healed. I have an incredible amount of patience, I am the mother of two disabled children, one has tourettes syndrome, the other is autistic. So you can see that I am a great problem solver on the fly and very patient with their many needs. I will listen to you and feel the path that you need for healing. I have always been the person in the room someone wants to open their heart to and speak about all their problems, and with the tarot plus medium I can give you the answers you're looking for with whatever problem you have.