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How does PsychicCenter calculate phone rates?
If you live in the U.S. or Canada, our long distance charge is 20 cents per minute. If you live anywhere else, it costs more. Here's a list of country codes and our per-minute international phone rates.

Placing an International Call
Found a listing you want to call? If you're signed in, the per-minute fee you see there is what you'll be paying. If you aren't signed in, though, the fee you see on your screen will include our standard rate for our U.S. and Canadian users. So when you sign in, that listing's per-minute fee will be higher, since it now includes the international long distance charge for your country.

Creating an International Listing
When you create a listing, you can set any per-minute price you want, as long as it isn't lower than our standard connection charge for your country. If a user wants to talk to you from outside the U.S. and Canada, we'll add international long distance charges to the rate he or she sees for your listing.

For Example:
Suppose you live in Tokyo and want to place a call to an advisor in the U.S., whose pre-minute fee is $1.00 per minute. Your overall per-minute fee will be $1 (the advisor's per-minute fee) + 41 cents (our long distance fee for Japan) + 20 cents (our standard connection charge for a U.S. member), or a total cost of $1.61 per minute.

  Next Topic > International Rates  

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